• 打印机友好版



Our goal is to help you get back on your feet and home as soon as possible. Discharges can occur throughout the day and evening. 你的主治医生会决定你什么时候该回家.

当你准备离开医院的时候, you will be given a bright pink envelope with your discharge information inside. 除了, 招生代表可以访问,最后确定所有文书工作的帐单和保险的目的. If you need to fill prescriptions or get equipment, there is a Walgreens Pharmacy conveniently located on the medical center campus. They will even provide bedside medication delivery.

Keep in mind that you are the most important part of our team. 我们希望你能随意 说出来 if there is anything you do not understand about your discharge plan. 我们在这里满足您的需求,并提供尽可能多的信息,以便您拥有完成康复所需的一切.

Should you wish to make a formal statement about your treatment or care while still a patient, please contact the nurse manager of the patient unit. If concerns are not addressed, you may contact the Patient Advocate at 410-535-8446 或质量管理部,地址 410-535-8117周一至周五上午8点.m. 到下午4点.m. Evenings and weekends, ask your nurse to contact the clinical coordinator for you.

你总是可以选择向健康和精神卫生部或联合委员会提出你的担忧. 当然, 我们将感谢您给我们的机会,首先与您合作,以解决任何问题. 要联系DHMH,请致电 410-764-4970. Because this facility is accredited by The Joint Commission, you can also contact The Joint Commission by calling 1-800-994-6610 或发邮件 complaint@jointcommission.org.


一名特殊的财务顾问可以为患者和家属提供信息和资源. The counselor can explain the hospital’s billing and collection procedures, deposit requirements and payment plans; help patients apply for medical assistance; explain the hospital’s financial assistance programs and advise patients of other programs available through local agencies.

我们知道有时会混淆病人是在医院进行“门诊观察”还是住院. 在某些情况下, 你是否康复到可以回家,或者是否需要住院治疗,可能不会立即清楚. 在这种情况下, 你可能会被安排在“门诊观察”进行短期诊断测试和监测,以进一步评估你的病情,然后医生才能决定你是否需要入院或是否能够回家接受后续护理. “门诊观察”不同于住院,收费也不同于住院. 这意味着根据你的保险计划,你的财务责任可能与住院病人的福利大不相同.

If you have questions about this or any other billing concerns, call the financial counselor during regular business hours at 410-535-8268 or 301-855-1012, ext. 8268 从医院外拨打或拨分机. 8268从医院内部.


医院的计费做法可能令人困惑. 我们是来帮忙的. 我们的患者金融服务团队可以帮助您选择付款方式,包括补助金和医疗援助计划,并回答有关您的医疗服务付款的一般问题. 网上买球软件 serves all patients regardless of ability to pay.

联邦和州法律要求医生在你住院期间为他们提供的服务单独收费. Therefore, you will receive several separate bills related to your hospital visit.

The hospital bill will include the costs for all hospital services. This bill may include charges for laboratory tests, 设备和用品的使用, 你的房间, 护理, dietary and other technical and support personnel. 马里兰州所有医院的收费都由马里兰州卫生服务成本审查委员会设定和控制. Fee schedules are available for review by contacting 410-535-8248.

医生的账单将包括医院医生的专业费用,这些医生在你作为病人的检查或护理中提供了服务. 这些服务可能包括放射学, 麻醉学, 急救护理, 病理, 核医学, 心电图, 脑电图描记器, 精神病学, 肺内科等专科.

We accept all major credit cards for hospital bills. 你也可以在网上付款 http://calverthospital.ixt.com/QuickPayAccount.aspx. Please feel free to contact the hospital billing office at 410-535-8248 or 301-855-1012, ext. 8248 if you have any questions about your hospital bills.


你需要帮助吗?... 或者我认识这样的人?

网上买球软件为我们社区的每个人提供医疗保健,无论他们的支付能力如何. 我们的使命是改善我们社区的健康状况,我们不希望成本成为真正需要护理的患者的障碍.

网上买球软件为没有保险或需要帮助支付医疗费用的人提供了许多项目. 我们聘请财务顾问,他们可以帮助您制定财务计划或申请您可能符合资格的州或联邦计划. Financial aid applications are available at all registration desks in the hospital.

Each year, we provide more than a million dollars in financial aid to patients who qualify. If you meet the requirements, you may be able to have 100 percent of your bills covered. 关键是要和我们沟通. If we don't hear from you and don't know your situation, we can't help.




Información financiera del paciente (Spanish Flyer)

Thông tin Tài chính cho Bệnh nhân (Vietnamese Flyer)

财务顾问可以提供帮助. 就叫 410-535-8268.

欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 金融援助 页面.


calverthehealth创建了 向家庭的过渡 program to enhance care for chronically ill patients after they leave the hospital. The innovative community outreach program is designed to:

  • 识别有再入院风险的慢性疾病(如糖尿病或高血压)患者
  • Provide them with additional support after they’re discharged
  • Connect them with the resources they need to stay healthy
  • 减少可预防的再入院

病人可能会被邀请参加这个特殊的计划,以帮助他们从网上买球软件出院后. 该方案旨在改善对慢性疾病患者护理的连续性, 如充血性心力衰竭(CHF), 慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD), 和糖尿病, as they transition between these different health settings. 我们的目标是确保网上买球软件和这些其他设置之间的护理转移顺利进行.

This is a FREE service to help you or your loved one recover while helping you:

  • 更好地理解和管理你的药物
  • 通过更好地了解你的诊断,防止意外再次入院
  • 制定出院后与医生或其他家庭护理服务机构进行必要随访的计划


  • 家访,评估和协助管理他们的药物和健康信息,并帮助患者准备与他们的卫生保健提供者的后续访问
  • Follow-up phone calls from the 向家庭的过渡 team, 谁将提供支持?, 教育, 以及从医疗机构到家庭过渡期间的任何专业教育转诊.
  • 进入我们的护理管理诊所, where our team can help you with access to medical care, 药物管理帮助, 慢性病指导和支持.



We know the last thing you want to do on the way home is make another stop.


我们的病人很欣赏 床边给药 但研究表明,它也增加了药物依从性,减少了可避免的再入院. Data suggests that one-third of patients being discharged never get their prescriptions filled.

The 网上买球软件 床边给药 program operates Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. 到下午6点.m. 下面是它的工作原理:

  • 病人出院时会通知沃尔格林
  • Dedicated Walgreens representative gathers patient info & 脚本
  • 处方经过处理
  • Payment is arranged with patient or caregiver
  • 提供药物指导
  • Medications are delivered to patient’s bedside
  • Patient receives follow-up call from pharmacist 48 hours after discharge


Please tell us about your Medical Center experience

在您出院后,一份患者调查将邮寄到您的家中,或者在您从健康流出院后,您可能会接到电话. Please take a moment to complete this questionnaire. 你的反馈对我们很重要. 您的调查反馈将帮助我们进一步了解如何在未来改善我们对您的服务.


Should you wish to make a formal statement about your treatment or care while still a patient, please contact the nurse manager of the patient unit. If concerns are not immediately addressed, you may contact the 质量 Management Department at 410-535-8117 or 410-414-4505, 周一到周五,早上8点.m. 到下午4点.m. Evenings and weekends, ask your nurse to contact the clinical coordinator for you.

你总是可以选择向健康和精神卫生部门提出你的担忧. 如欲联络DHMH,请拨电话 410-764-4970. If you are a Medicare beneficiary, you can also contact the Medicare complaint line by calling 1-800-492-5811 (华盛顿居民可拨打1-800-645-0011). Because this facility is accredited by The Joint Commission, you can also contact The Joint Commission by calling 1-800-994-6610 或发邮件 complaint@jointcommission.org. 当然, 我们希望你能先和我们讨论你的问题,这样我们就有机会解决它们.


Who can I call if I do not understand my discharge instructions?

请打电话给 410-414-4858 and you will be directed to a case manager 寻求帮助.

How do I know which medications to take when I get home?

If you need clarification on medications, you may call your physician. If you do not know who your physician is for after care, please call the Case Management Department at 410-414-4858 寻求帮助.

If my home health nurse doesn't contact me, what should I do?

You can call the phone number on your discharge instructions for the home health company.

If you have any questions or concerns about your discharge plan, please call the Case Management Department at 410-414-4858 寻求帮助.
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