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病人 who wish to donate blood for their own use prior to elective surgery may do so. The hospital laboratory is accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks and works closely with the American Red Cross to store blood for emergency use. Your friends or relatives may also donate blood for your use. 要安排献血,请致电 410.535.4000, ext 5744 或打电话 1.800.233.4640 从医院外面.

The hospital laboratory is fully licensed and accredited by Maryland and The Joint Commission, certified by the College of American Pathologists and licensed by the Clinical 劳动atory Improvements Act. (CLIA).


Advance directives protect your right to make medical choices that affect your life. An advance directive is a legal means of expressing your desires about healthcare decisions should you become unable to do so due to injury or illness.


An oral discussion of your treatment decisions made in the presence of your physician and one witness to indicate your treatment preferences. This discussion is then written in your medical record to communicate your wishes to the healthcare team.

If you choose not to prepare an advance directive, Maryland law recognizes the authority of a surrogate decision maker when necessary. A guardian (if one has been appointed by a court), 配偶, adult child or parents of the patient (in that order) can make treatment decisions for you without specific court authorization in the event that you cannot make such decisions for yourself.

作为对社区的服务, 卡尔弗健康医疗中心 offers a computerized registry for living wills and other advance directives. The registry records and stores your advance directives so they can be easily accessed at any time in the future, 即使是在另一家医院.

Hospital personnel can provide assistance and further information about preparing advance directives and storing them in the registry. The hospital can provide you with a standard form for completing your advance directives. 从医院内部打分机 8235. 在医院外面打410.535.8235 or 301.855.1012年,ext. 8235.

Maryland Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST)

MOLST is a two-page order form about cardiopulmonary resuscitation and tells doctors and other people what treatments patients want or do not want. 如果你有一张MOLST表格, please tell us so we can make a copy and put it in on your record and honor your wishes. 如果你没有一个MOLST的形式, you may be asked to discuss it at some point during your hospitalization. It is required by the state if you are transferred to another facility. When you are at home, you should keep your copy in a place that is easy to find. You should always provide your MOLST form to ambulance crews and you should take it with you to hospitals or other healthcare organizations. You and your physician should revisit your MOLST form at least annually to make sure your wishes are the same. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 marylandmolst.org.


五个愿望 is the first living will that talks about your personal, emotional and spiritual needs as well as your medical wishes. It lets you choose the person you want to make health care decisions for you if you are not able to make them for yourself. 五个愿望 lets you say exactly how you wish to be treated if you get seriously ill. It was written with the help of the American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging and the nation's leading experts in end-of-life care. 它也很容易使用.

The "五个愿望" include the following directives:

  1. The Person I Want to Make 护理 Decisions for Me When I Can't
  2. The Kind of Medical Treatment I Want or Don't Want
  3. 我想要多舒服
  4. 我希望别人怎样对待我
  5. 我想让我爱的人知道的


Hospice care is available for terminally ill patients through Calvert Hospice at 410.535.0892.


The hospital's 伦理委员会 can help patients and families with difficult decisions about health care. The committee can help you understand options for care and treatment and give you advice based on experience and the wishes of the patient. 欢迎你们牧师的建议. To contact the committee during weekday work hours, call extension 8235 从医院内部还是 410.535.8235 从医院外面. Evenings and weekends, ask your nurse to contact the hospital supervisor.


Organ and tissue donations provide new hope to seriously ill or injured fellow human beings and their families. 卡尔弗健康医疗中心 participates with The Living Legacy 基金会 to manage organ and tissue donations.

At 卡尔弗健康医疗中心, we want to encourage community members to consider organ donation. If you would like more information on becoming an organ or tissue donor, 请询问你的护士或医生.
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